

Top Overall:

Awarded to the highest scoring routines in each age division and category. Nationals Top Overall pending entry variety will award a Top 20 in the Solo Categories, Top 10 in Duo/Trio/Group Categories, and Top 3 in Line/Production Categories. Nationals Top 1st-3rd Awards come with RevCash and Top 1st comes with a Nationals Trophy.

Ultimate Revelation:

National Finals Judges Pick Award going to a group, line or production. Ultimate Revelation Award Winners will receive the opportunity to re-compete for RevKids, Mini, Junior, Teen and Senior Performance of the Year in the Ultimate Revelation Dance-Off on the last day of Nationals.

Studio Revelation:

Awarded to the highest scoring group, line or production routine from each studio. A studio must register at least 10 group dances to qualify. Studio Revelation Award comes with RevCash.

Spirit Revelation:

Awarded to the studio who exhibited exceptional camaraderie, professionalism and kindness all week long at Revel National Finals backstage and in class. Spirit Revelation Award comes with RevCash.


Awarded to the most versatile studio. Revelry Awards come with RevCash.

Top Choreography:

Awarded to the judge’s pick for excellence in choreography for 12 and Under and 13 and Up in each dance style. Winners will be announced during the last award session of the general competition. Top Choreography Award comes with RevCash

Top Style:

Based on highest scoring group, line and production routines in each dance style, Winners for 12 and Under and 13 and Up Ballet, Jazz, Tap, Lyrical, Contemporary, Hip Hop, Broadway, Open, Specialty, and Acro will be announced during the last award session of the general competition. Top Style Winners will receive a RevCash.

Performance of the Year

After the Ultimate Revelation Dance-Off, routines in RevKids, Mini, Junior, Teen and Senior age divisions will be as Performance of the Year Nominees and will then perform in the Gala Closing Show, after which they will learn who wins the RevKids, Mini, Junior, Teen and Senior Performances of the Year. The runners up and winners will receive an award and RevCash.

Elite Reveler of the Year:

Based on their performance in the Elite Reveler of the Year Solo Competition and Elite Reveler of the Year Audition Class, Finalists will be announced during the last competition awards session of the general competition. During the Gala Closing Show, winners in Mini-Senior age divisions will be announced. Award details can be found here.

Pro Reveler of the Year:

Based on their performance in the Pro Reveler of the Year Solo Competition and Pro Reveler of the Year Audition Class, Finalists will be announced during Gala Closing Show. Top 5 Finalists will perform their solos in the show after which the winner will be announced.  of the week. During the Gala Closing Show, winners in each age level will be announced. Pro Reveler of the Year comes with a $500 Cash Prize, PROTY Plaque, PROTY Jacket, and the opportunity to serve as a lifetime (up to two years post HS Graduation) Pro Reveler while Revel pays for travel expenses. Additional prizes include teaching Bonus Classes on tour and talent agency introduction.

Studio of the Year:

Studio of the Year is determined by the highest average score of the 10 highest scoring group routines (groups, lines and productions only) from each studio. To be eligible for Revel’s Studio of the Year, a studio must bring a mix of at least 10 groups, lines or productions. The award comes with a Cash Prize of $7,500.