A Ballet, Contemporary, Modern Workshop
Jul 27 - 28, 2025
Faculty and guest artists
Duncan Cooper
Judy Rice
Mike Tyus
Megan Lawson
Lydia Roberts Coco
Christian Denice
Spenser Theberge
Saleemah Knight

General Info

  • Summer Dance Fest Class Schedule, Faculty and Guest Artists are subject to change without notice.
  • Information regarding concessions, parking, dressing rooms and check-in details will be directly emailed to registrants prior to the event.
  • Pending the number of dancers registered, classes may be combined.
  • Parent and Teacher Observers must purchase an observer band prior to or onsite at the event in order to watch classes. Observers must remain seated and quiet so as not to distract the dancers during class. Revel reserves the right to remove any disruptive observer without refund.
  • Any scholarships for Summer Dance Fest must be applied prior to payment.
  • There are no refunds for any reason.

Workshop & Closing Showcase

  • All dancers attending Summer Dance Fest must check-in individually during the designated Registration & Check-In time labeled on each workshop schedule.
  • Upon check-in, dancers will receive a dancer wristband and number.
  • Dancers are to wear their number throughout the entirety of the workshop.
  • Faculty will be selecting dancers in each class to receive various scholarships and awards.  
  • Each Summer Dance Fest Workshop will offer a variety of different styles and classes.
  • "Closing Showcase Performance" Class - A class where all dancers will learn a combination to be performed in the Closing Showcase.
  • "Choreography" Class - Faculty will format and stage the piece taught in the "Closing Showcase Performance" Class for the Closing Showcase.
  • "SDF Standout" Class - Standout dancers chosen by the Faculty to perform the combination during the Closing Showcase.
  • Each Summer Dance Fest Workshop will conclude with a Closing Showcase and Awards Presentation.
  • The Closing Showcase will consist of the "Closing Showcase Performances" as well as "SDF Standout" Class Performances and the selected "Star Solo" performances.
  • The Awards Presentation will follow the Closing Showcase, where scholarships and awards will be announced.

Performance Showcase

  • Each Summer Dance Fest Workshop will offer a Performance Showcase which will be held on the first night of each workshop.
  • Dancers can either perform a solo or improv to a song of their choosing.
  • Performance Showcase music must be uploaded to the registration portal one week prior to the event.
  • All music should be free from explicit lyrics, themes and messaging. Revel has the right to review and restrict music selection prior to the event.
  • Performances can not exceed 3 minutes.
  • Dancers may or may not choose to wear a costume during their performances, however dressing rooms will be provided for dancers.
  • A Performance Schedule will be posted one week prior to the event.
  • The Performance Showcase is not a competition. All dancers will receive live feedback from our panel of Faculty and/or Guest Artists in addition to special awards. See Awards and Scholarships Info below.
  • Select Performances will be chosen by Faculty and/or Guest Artists  with the "Star Solo" Award. See details below.

Awards & Scholarships

  • The Performance Showcase participants will be eligible to receive awards based on Technique, Choreography and Entertainment. The recipients of these awards will also get $100 RevCash to be used towards any 2023-2024 Revel Dance Convention event excluding Nationals.
  • Dancers will also be eligible to receive the "Star Solo" Award. The recipient of this award will get to re-perform their solo in the Closing Showcase the following day and receive a Free Entry Solo Scholarship to be used at any 2025-2026 Revel Dance Convention event.  
  • Summer Dance Fest Workshop Awards include Revel Convention Tuition Scholarships, Pro Reveler Audition Invite Scholarships, and 2026 Summer Dance Fest Tuition Scholarships as well as additional industry sponsored awards.